SIDRA Hospital - Grand Opening - Doha 2018

Agency: fischerAppelt Marketing

Task: site management

SIDRA Hospital - Grand Opening - Doha 2018

Al Enna Festival - ATV Tracks - Doha 2018

Agency: fischerAppelt Marketing

Task: project management ATV

Al Enna Festival - ATV Tracks - Doha 2018

SAMSUNG - KulturStadion - IAAF European Championship - Berlin 2009

Agency: Interzentral

Task: production management

SAMSUNG - KulturStadion - IAAF European Championship - Berlin 2009

SkyArena - Pre-Opening FIFA World Cup - Frankfurt 2006

Agency: Atelier Markgraph
Task: production management

SkyArena - Pre-Opening FIFA World Cup - Frankfurt 2006 SkyArena - Pre-Opening FIFA World Cup - Frankfurt 2006 SkyArena - Pre-Opening FIFA World Cup - Frankfurt 2006 SkyArena - Pre-Opening FIFA World Cup - Frankfurt 2006 SkyArena - Pre-Opening FIFA World Cup - Frankfurt 2006

DAIMLER AG - Annual Meeting - Berlin 2005, 2006

Agency: CB.e

Task: production management

DAIMLER AG - Annual Meeting - Berlin 2005, 2006

600 Years Roland - Gesichter der Freiheit - Bremen 2004

Agency: TRIAD Projektgesellschaft

Task: site and production management

600 Years Roland - Gesichter der Freiheit - Bremen 2004 600 Years Roland - Gesichter der Freiheit - Bremen 2004 600 Years Roland - Gesichter der Freiheit - Bremen 2004

EADS - Merger Event - Amsterdam 2004

Agency: Atelier Markgraph
Task: production management

EADS - Merger Event - Amsterdam 2004 EADS - Merger Event - Amsterdam 2004

KPMG - European Business Conference - Frankfurt 2004

Agency: Satis&Fy

Task: production management

KPMG - European Business Conference - Frankfurt 2004 KPMG - European Business Conference - Frankfurt 2004

Maybach - World Premiere - New York City 2002

Agency: OSK
Task: production management

technical realization of press conference in a former stock exchange hall – the present day Regent Hotel on Wall Street, which was highly sensitive as far as security goes at this time.
Site consultation with the security authorities. The challenge with this project was to fulfill a very tight production timeline of only 3 weeks with the on site suppliers and unions.


Maybach - World Premiere - New York City 2002 Maybach - World Premiere - New York City 2002 Maybach - World Premiere - New York City 2002

VW AG - Dealer Presentation - Seefeld 1998

Agency: DeOtter&DeVries

Task: production management for RATZ Technisches Atelier

VW AG - Dealer Presentation - Seefeld 1998

Ford - Aurora Dealership Event - Berlin 1998

Agency: Imagintion Ltd.

Task: local production management for RATZ Technisches Atelier